PiZYDS Isomorphic Calculators Beta1 同分异构计算器(Unsucceed)
program PiZYDS_Isomorphic_Calculators; var mf,outinfor:string; lenmf,i,j,amfs,num:longint; lastm:char; printrq:boolean; amf:array[0..100] of char; ckey:array['a'..'z'] of longint; bmf:array[0..100,0..100] of longint; //amf 把结构简式或者分子式展开来,比如ch3cho->chhhcho //amfs展开的式子里有几个原子 //ckey每个原子的最好饱和价键 //bmf目前的价键 procedure settings(); begin ckey['c']:=4; ckey['h']:=1; ckey['o']:=2; printrq:=false; num:=0; end; procedure print(); var i,j:longint; begin writeln; write(' '); for j:=1 to amfs do write(amf[j],' '); writeln; for i:=1 to amfs do begin write(amf[i],' '); for j:=1 to amfs do write(bmf[i,j],' '); writeln; //md输出都那么累 end; end; function test(ck:longint):longint; //test=0不够饱 //test=1刚刚好 //test=2要炸了 var i,j,sum:longint; begin //这张bmf二维表有点烧脑所以全算进去吧 sum:=0; for i:=1 to amfs do sum:=sum+bmf[i,ck]; for j:=1 to amfs do sum:=sum+bmf[ck,j]; if sum<ckey[amf[ck]] then test:=0 else if sum=ckey[amf[ck]] then test:=1 else test:=2; outinfor:=outinfor+amf[ck]+':'+chr(ord('0')+sum)+' '; end; procedure find(bi,bj:longint); var i,j:longint; bool,bool2:boolean; begin //先来看看满不满足 bool:=true; bool2:=true; outinfor:=''; for i:=1 to amfs do begin if test(i)<>1 then bool:=false; //if test(i)>1 then bool2:=false; end; //if not(bool2) then exit; //后来想想写了没什么用,我指那个bool2 //如果bool为true,太好了,找到了 if bool then begin inc(num); if printrq then begin print(); writeln(outinfor); writeln('This one OK!') end; //测试用的 exit; //已经OK了,跳出这个尝试 end; //readln; //调试用,要不然太汹涌 for i:=bi to amfs do for j:=bj to amfs do begin inc(bmf[i,j]); if (test(i)<=1) and (test(j)<=1) then find(i,j); dec(bmf[i,j]); end; end; begin settings(); readln(mf); writeln('Calculting ',mf); lenmf:=length(mf); //fillchar(amf,sizeof(amf),''); //fillchar(bmf,sizeof(bmf),0); //安卓的Pascal好像不只是sizeof... amfs:=0; for i:=1 to lenmf do begin if (mf[i]>='a') and (mf[i]<='z') then begin lastm:=mf[i]; inc(amfs); amf[amfs]:=lastm; end; if (mf[i]>='2') and (mf[i]<='9') then for j:=2 to (ord(mf[i])-ord('0')) do begin inc(amfs); amf[amfs]:=lastm; end; end; //Read End write('Spread Result: '); for i:=1 to amfs do write(amf[i]); writeln; //又是一个测试块 Find(1,2); //原本想搞个开始找的坐标后来搞不定还不如直接去重 writeln('Kinds: ',num); end.